Little Bean Update: Fourteen Weeks


Marination Time: 14 Weeks

Size of baby: Little Bean is three and a half inches long, one and a half ounces, and the size of a lemon.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: still about 4.5 lbs

Maternity Clothes: Maternity jeans and pants. Tops and dresses are regular.

Sex: Still unconfirmed, though we have a hunch after our scans.

Movement: This is the big news this week! Yes – thanks to a couple of pieces of my mom’s sugary and delicious fudge today, LB must have been dancing and flipping. I felt some “bubbles” that definitely were not due to indigestion. Fun, and crazy.

Belly button watch: Innie.

Sleep: Sleeping fine!

What I miss: Being able to hide the bump actually got very tricky at the end of this week. It’s out and proud – ha. We’re sharing the news with more and more friends, but this is tricky at work! Gone are the days of hiding this totally!

Cravings: Cheese and spicy foods. I feel compelled to make crab dip this coming week!

Symptoms: A little more trouble rolling up out of bed in the morning due to the belly! Some aches and pains.

Best Moment this week: Starting to feel LB move the tiniest bit. Looking forward to sharing our news with more friends this weekend and on NYE on Monday night.

Christmas Celebrations

Just a few pictures from our Christmas celebrations with my side – we were remiss on taking photos while with DM’s side this year!

Goofing around while taking my weekly preggo picture.


Enjoying time with the Bosch side.


Christmas Eve dinner at Alexandro’s. I was serious about the crab legs!



And these are a little bittersweet. Pictures of our little family in my grandparents’ living room, the last time we’ll have Christmas there since they both passed in 2012.


Little Bean Update: Thirteen Weeks


Marination Time: 13 Weeks

Size of baby: Little Bean is three inches long and the size of a medium shrimp (ew – thanks for that image, Baby Center).

Total Weight Gain/Loss: a little jump this week – about 4.5 lbs (and I left my boots on at my doctor appointment so they charted me at up 7 pounds – fun!)

Maternity Clothes: Maternity jeans and pants. Tops and dresses are regular.

Sex: Still unconfirmed, though we have a hunch after our scans.

Movement: Not yet.

Belly button watch: Innie.

Sleep: Sleeping fine – just not long enough during these holiday travels.

What I miss: Lying flat on my back comfortably. At an elevation is still fine.

Cravings: Cheese and spicy foods, and the crab legs I plan to enjoy next week at Christmas Eve dinner. Still not big on sweets.

Symptoms: Many of the same pregnancy symptoms, but my energy is much better again this week. I’ve turned a corner and did not believe how tired I was feeling until I started feeling better this week.

Best Moment this week: Just a day or two until we share our news with extended family! We also are trying to tell a few friends here and there but expect that will take us through the first half of January.

Life Moves Fast

Today we had our 12 weeks U/S appointment (though I’m really 13 weeks). We got the genetic U/S after our adventures in spotting and a recommendation for it after our evening at Prentice. The baby looked great! Our blood work won’t be back til next week, but the scan from an eyeball perspective was good. Little Bean had major hiccups and it was hilarious. Plus, it was so awesome to see this little person thriving with two arms, two legs, appropriate brain size, and boy/girl parts that are still un-confirmed but leaned the same way as last time. 🙂 We also heard the heartbeat. This was a very cool day. The due date will stay as June 28.

I took a call from my boss in the waiting room and assured him I’d be out of my “dentist appointment” within the hour – hardy har har. DM said I got no less than four eyerolls from the other preggos in the waiting room with me. I hadn’t even thought of that! But hey – I’m not “out” yet – not officially at least! We are so excited to tell extended family this weekend. Also, DM will see his buddies tonight at happy hour, and we’re going out with some of our best friends for dinner tonight, and finally sharing the news. Woohoo. I’m still feeling cautiously optimistic at times about the fact WE’RE HAVING A BABY, but I feel more assured with each scan/appointment. We decided we will wait three more weeks to tell my work – after my 16 week appointment, just to err conservatively.

In fun news, five years ago today DM and I were in the midst of another crazy holiday season (our first together where we were sharing our Christmases with each other’s families), getting ready to go to dinner at Tilli’s. And, he proposed! Funny how now, five years to the day later, we have our last first trimester U/S for our first baby, and are going to dinner around the corner from Tilli’s (now closed) with friends to share our baby news. Life is Crazy.

Dragging Tail

We’re back from MN Christmas with DM’s family. We had a nice time together, but holy exhaustion Batman. Between my end of year closings at work, grading final papers for my law students’ legal writing class I teach, doing even minimal Christmas shopping, and baking a baby, I should not have pushed my bedtime past the usual 10pm time.

I’m back at it today at work and I feel like I got hit with a truck. At least I got to go to my first prenatal exercise class at the gym – Lincoln Park Athletic Club has some fun options, so I can finally make good on the money suck that is a gym membership.

Here is another delightful holiday video with clearly one of my favorite holiday songs.

Little Bean Update: Twelve Weeks

12 weeks today! Wow. I’m now starting belly pics and a weekly diary.


Marination Time: 12 Weeks

Size of baby: Little Bean is about half an ounce in weight and the size of a lime.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: about 3 lbs so far, and up 2 bra sizes… this is sort of fun for now, but I’m a wee bit scared to think of where I’ll end up!

Maternity Clothes: I started wearing some maternity jeans and pants on the weekends at Week 9 and was in my small collection of “bigger” pants from law school days plus regular skirts/dresses at work until just today. I’m rocking the Loft maternity elastic demi-panel trousers right now and LOVING them since I feel like I look less pregnant in maternity clothes than in more snugly fitting regular clothes. Tops and dresses are regular. T-minus 2.5 weeks or so until the cat’s out of the bag at work. My last first tri scan is right before Christmas at 13 weeks, and then we’re telling our extended families and close friends between Christmas and New Year’s.

Sex: We got a sneak peek and a guesstimate at 11 weeks during our evening at Prentice… we’ll wait to confirm it before we share with the world. We would be thrilled with either/doesn’t really matter to us, but being a planner there was no way I could delay the “surprise” until delivery! We’re already surprised with the sneak peek!

Movement: Not yet. Will this be creepy or cool when it starts up I wonder?

Belly button watch: Innie…and hoping it holds out this way as long as possible! I said adieu to my navel ring at about 8 weeks. After 11+ years with it and risking disownment by my dad to get it, the day I removed it was a sad day! (However, this was not an option.)

Sleep: I sleep just fine – sometimes I’m up once in the night to visit the bathroom.

What I miss: Staying up past 9pm, though my energy seems to be starting to come back this week finally.

Cravings: CHEESE. I cannot get enough dairy generally, and cheese and spicy foods have really done it for me. Not that big on sweets (though chocolate milk has been a go-to item these past two weeks – I had it maybe only 1x/year before being pregnant!).

Symptoms: My nausea is much better this past week. If I’m really tired or hungry I get woozy. Sore chest. Some aches/pains and huffing and puffing as I go up stairs (this started like a month ago – no kidding!).

Best Moment this week: Feeling up for workouts!

Sharing Our News

Well what a last few weeks! News has trickled slowly out to three of my close friends, but only one on purpose. I swear I got backed into telling the other two – really! Must be all that wine I normally consume – my besties are suspicious! DM and my mom have stayed strong and not told anyone. I’m impressed!

We told DM’s parents and siblings over Thanksgiving. We used a sweet poem in a frame for his folks:


I do not have a face to see,

Or put inside a frame.

I do not have soft cheeks to kiss.

I don’t yet have a name.

Not yet can you hold my tiny hands,

Nor whisper in my ear.

It’s still too soon to sing a song,

Or cuddle me so near.

But all that will change come this June,

When they say I am due.

I am your newest grandchild;

And I can’t wait until I meet you!

All I ask between now and then

Is your love for me to grow.

I promise I’ll be worth the wait;

Just think of all the joy we’ll know!

So as you’re waiting patiently,

Please pray lots of prayers for me.

I cannot wait to be a part

Of this wonderful family!

Love, Little Bean

We told DM’s siblings by getting everyone together for a family picture on Thanksgiving night. DM was the photographer and said a few rounds of “Say Cheese!” while “testing” the camera, then said “Say DJ’s Pregnant!!” It was a cute and fun way to tell everyone.


Little Bean got his/her first family baby gift of “Goodnight, iPad” from Uncle S and Aunt K. Very appropriate considering LB’s tech parents (let’s be serious – this is DM all the way!).

DM’s sister, A, is letting me borrow Mayo’s Guide to Pregnancy – so far I like it, and I love how it is not overly alarming in tone – just the facts and balanced advice.

A week after Thanksgiving we met my folks and brother, E, in West Lafayette to tell E the good news. We did it at Spaggedi’s with “uncle” themed onsies (one girl, one boy). It was such a fun moment. My folks also hadn’t seen us yet since we told them the news, so it was a nice afternoon all around. They sent back the 100+ year old rocking chair from my Emmons side of the family for the future nursery and a special quilt made by my Great-Grandma May, also. I’ve been emotional just looking at those items and am excited to use them!


In other news, we had another peek at LB last night, and not by choice. I’m having the same issues as at about 4 and 7 weeks with the spotting, only worse this time around, plus some mild cramps. This time it all started after work on a Friday evening, naturally. But, thankfully all is well and LB looks great-decidedly more human now, with arms and legs! Just swimming around. We even got a really early sneak peek at what the sex might be, but while we have a clue it’s too early to confirm or share.

We got to see Prentice, where I’ll eventually deliver. While it was nice to see that it is a great facility, we’d like to not be at Prentice again for quite some time. We were lucky to be seen there – my midwife called us in while we were in the regular Northwestern ER waiting room.

Between the extra bloodwork in week 4-5, the early U/S at week 7, our regular scan in week 8, and now an U/S in week 11, this little guy or gal has demanded some attention for sure. We’re content not to see you again LB until our regularly scheduled appointment in 2 weeks, MKAY? Thanksverymuch.

In other news I feel like my morning sickness has been subsiding slowly this past week. Weeks 7-9 were the hardest, and 9-11 weren’t that great. Some days you couldn’t peel me up off the couch after 8pm.

Kate Middleton just announced she is expecting. OMG I wonder if our due dates will align?! Ha. I feel bad for her though. She’s still less than 12 weeks like us and had to announce early because of severe morning sickness and being admitted to the hospital. My mom has always been interested in Diana and the royals, so this obviously a fun detail for both of us.

We’re starting to get in the holiday spirit around here, slowly, very slowly.