Life Moves Fast

Today we had our 12 weeks U/S appointment (though I’m really 13 weeks). We got the genetic U/S after our adventures in spotting and a recommendation for it after our evening at Prentice. The baby looked great! Our blood work won’t be back til next week, but the scan from an eyeball perspective was good. Little Bean had major hiccups and it was hilarious. Plus, it was so awesome to see this little person thriving with two arms, two legs, appropriate brain size, and boy/girl parts that are still un-confirmed but leaned the same way as last time. 🙂 We also heard the heartbeat. This was a very cool day. The due date will stay as June 28.

I took a call from my boss in the waiting room and assured him I’d be out of my “dentist appointment” within the hour – hardy har har. DM said I got no less than four eyerolls from the other preggos in the waiting room with me. I hadn’t even thought of that! But hey – I’m not “out” yet – not officially at least! We are so excited to tell extended family this weekend. Also, DM will see his buddies tonight at happy hour, and we’re going out with some of our best friends for dinner tonight, and finally sharing the news. Woohoo. I’m still feeling cautiously optimistic at times about the fact WE’RE HAVING A BABY, but I feel more assured with each scan/appointment. We decided we will wait three more weeks to tell my work – after my 16 week appointment, just to err conservatively.

In fun news, five years ago today DM and I were in the midst of another crazy holiday season (our first together where we were sharing our Christmases with each other’s families), getting ready to go to dinner at Tilli’s. And, he proposed! Funny how now, five years to the day later, we have our last first trimester U/S for our first baby, and are going to dinner around the corner from Tilli’s (now closed) with friends to share our baby news. Life is Crazy.

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