Little Bean Update: Twelve Weeks

12 weeks today! Wow. I’m now starting belly pics and a weekly diary.


Marination Time: 12 Weeks

Size of baby: Little Bean is about half an ounce in weight and the size of a lime.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: about 3 lbs so far, and up 2 bra sizes… this is sort of fun for now, but I’m a wee bit scared to think of where I’ll end up!

Maternity Clothes: I started wearing some maternity jeans and pants on the weekends at Week 9 and was in my small collection of “bigger” pants from law school days plus regular skirts/dresses at work until just today. I’m rocking the Loft maternity elastic demi-panel trousers right now and LOVING them since I feel like I look less pregnant in maternity clothes than in more snugly fitting regular clothes. Tops and dresses are regular. T-minus 2.5 weeks or so until the cat’s out of the bag at work. My last first tri scan is right before Christmas at 13 weeks, and then we’re telling our extended families and close friends between Christmas and New Year’s.

Sex: We got a sneak peek and a guesstimate at 11 weeks during our evening at Prentice… we’ll wait to confirm it before we share with the world. We would be thrilled with either/doesn’t really matter to us, but being a planner there was no way I could delay the “surprise” until delivery! We’re already surprised with the sneak peek!

Movement: Not yet. Will this be creepy or cool when it starts up I wonder?

Belly button watch: Innie…and hoping it holds out this way as long as possible! I said adieu to my navel ring at about 8 weeks. After 11+ years with it and risking disownment by my dad to get it, the day I removed it was a sad day! (However, this was not an option.)

Sleep: I sleep just fine – sometimes I’m up once in the night to visit the bathroom.

What I miss: Staying up past 9pm, though my energy seems to be starting to come back this week finally.

Cravings: CHEESE. I cannot get enough dairy generally, and cheese and spicy foods have really done it for me. Not that big on sweets (though chocolate milk has been a go-to item these past two weeks – I had it maybe only 1x/year before being pregnant!).

Symptoms: My nausea is much better this past week. If I’m really tired or hungry I get woozy. Sore chest. Some aches/pains and huffing and puffing as I go up stairs (this started like a month ago – no kidding!).

Best Moment this week: Feeling up for workouts!

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