Little Bean Update: Eighteen Weeks


Marination Time: 18 Weeks

Size of baby: Little Bean is five and a half inches long and about seven ounces, the size of a bell pepper.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 10.5 pounds.

Maternity Clothes: Yes. I think days of making some of my regular tops “work” are numbered. I have a few tees and dresses that will continue to work just due to style, but the other stuff that was working is getting shorter and shorter.

Sex: Two weeks left. It’s time to get on those wives tales/predictions:

High/low bump: GIRL. I’ve been told I appear like I’m having a girl (?!). I have no idea what this really means. I feel like my bump is high (i.e. I have no lower pain or anything, and I look more like I have eaten a full meal/beer gut than pregnant sometimes?).

Chinese Gender Chart: GIRL.

Heartbeat: GIRL. Upper 140s/higher-ish since the beginning.

Cravings: BOY. I really do not have a mega-sweet tooth at all, not even for the extra cookie or piece of fruit. I want spice, salt, peppery things, heat.

Draino Color Change Test: Ummm who really has time for this?! Apparently if it is still blue when mixed with my pee it would mean boy. Gross.

Mayans: BOY. I look at the year I conceived and the age I conceived and since they both aren’t an even number, I’m apparently having a boy.

Skin: GIRL. I’m rocking teenage acne flare ups plus 30-something year old lines. Awesome.

Morning Sickness: BOY (?). In the first tri I was queasy for four weeks at the same time window every day, pretty much like clockwork, but never got sick. It was truly better after those four weeks, and was only a few hours in the morning. I guess I would characterize my morning sickness level as mild overall. I was mostly tired.

Total: 4 Girl / 3 Boy. We shall see!

Movement: Still fleeting jabs, sort of. Ready for acrobatics (30 week pregnant DJ will probably want to punch 18 week pregnant DJ for saying this).

Belly button watch: Innie.

Sleep: Ok, just not enough. People are starting to tell me to “sleep now.” Uh, thanks. I do actually have a job that requires some short nights and doubt I’ll seriously look back on this time as a life of leisure pre-kids. In fact, I have a feeling I might even get more sleep while up with a newborn than I do some work weeks (the life of an attorney – so great).

What I miss: Sushi with raw fish in it. I had a major craving this week.

Cravings: Peanut butter. Sushi. Veggies.

Symptoms: Frequent bathroom trips. Disappearing ab strength for getting up from laying down or on the couch (side leaning to roll to get up has started). A fair dose of Mama anxiety this week – our dog was diagnosed with campylo bacteria, which is dangeous to LB due to my preggo state. It will be nice at least once LB is on the outside and I can worry over him/her in person instead of wondering if all is ok in there!

Best Moment this week: Seeing a fellow pregnant friend/now client on a work trip to D.C. She’s already having her second kid and we used to work on the law school journal together. Life comes at you fast.

Little Bean Update: Seventeen Weeks


And for fun, a pic of the man behind the camera, with his trusty sidekick. Yes, our dog sits right there with him on the step every time he takes a photo of the belly (unless she is trying to get in the picture with me, that is!)


Marination Time: 17 Weeks

Size of baby: Little Bean is the size of a turnip (one of DM’s favorites – kidding).

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 9.5 pounds.

Maternity Clothes: Breaking out the maternity tops this week! They are loose but comfortable.

Sex: Three weeks until we know!

Movement: A jab here and there, maybe? Or just growing pains. Waiting for the “ah that’s a kick!” moment.

Belly button watch: Innie. The tummy is hurting a bit around my navel this week and I’ve been checking myself for diastasis recti with the workouts I’ve been doing. So far, so good.

Sleep: I had some insomnia this week – I think I’m amped about becoming a mom and having told work this past week. REALITY MAN.

What I miss: Feeling totally stable on my feet. I’m starting to be more careful when going up and down stairs because things are shifting!

Cravings: Salt ‘n’ vinegar chips and peanut butter cups. I was starving this week for all the wrong things at the beginning of the week, and I had the accompanying heartburn to prove it! The end of the week has been much better!

Symptoms: Aforementioned instability and new symptom of heartburn, plus having to pee.every.ten.minutes. Got a belly band for support during workouts and I think Little Bean basically hates it – I got some jabs in one side with the band that I never get otherwise during my routines. I’m evaluating some new fitness videos. It is likely about time to throw in the towel on my beloved circuit training with Jillian Michaels – I’ve been holding my own with modified/pregnancy appropriate moves, but there are some other options I think I’m going to have to explore for the next five months of pregnancy…

Best Moment this week: I got in touch with the last of my close friends and contacts on the list of people I wanted to reach out to directly (vs. a Facebook announcement). I feel a lot of love for Little Bean! We’re about to go “live” on the internets…which means these blog entries are probably close to being published. I’m excited to be keeping this journal as my own modern day baby book of sorts.

Little Bean Update: Sixteen Weeks


Marination Time: 16 Weeks

Size of baby: Little Bean is the size of an avocado.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 9 pounds. I look pregnant, y’all! (Some of my kind friends still dispute this fact…but it was perfect timing to tell work the news today since I’m beginning to look less thicker all over and more round in the belly!)

Maternity Clothes: Maternity jeans and pants. Tops and dresses are regular, but tops are becoming a little tight.

Sex: Four weeks until we know! We did not get another sneak peek yesterday at our 16 week appointment.

Movement: Flutters. It is fun and I will be glad when the movements are stronger and more noticeable.

Belly button watch: Innie.

Sleep: I sleep fine, just not enough!

What I miss: Having a cocktail (or three) at the end of a hard workweek. This week kicked my tail! Also, we’ve been trying to go out more to dinner lately to places on our bucket list. Being stuck with soda water and lime at the bars makes me feel lame. I’ve determined to compensate with a few fab new clothing items I found on sale this past week. I will at least be stylish with my soda water in hand at all the hotspots! 🙂

Cravings: Carbs. Not sweets, but carbs like I’m readying myself for an athletic event! Cheese, always and forever.

Symptoms: Moving a little slower up the stairs and in workouts but pushing myself to keep active!

Best Moment this week: Coming out at work. Phew!

Second Trimester Thoughts

Today was my 16 week appointment at the midwives. Baby’s heartrate is in the upper 140s. Aside from my midwife totally obviously not believing that I can feel the baby yet (ha – I’m slender and I feel the bubbles already, dammit!!), it all went well. I told DM I always feel so badly when the appointments go fast, like I should be better prepared or have more questions. I asked DM whether he felt like he needed more information from these appointments, to which he responded “well, I put it in there, what else do I need to know?” CLASSY. Just love men. (Though, my man arguably is much more sensitive and supportive than your average bear!!).

With each appointment I’m reminded how grateful I am for great health insurance – the cash we’ve had to shell out has been less than 10% of the thousands these prenatal appointments have cost so far. And that’s a good thing, considering the other funds spent on just me so far to accomodate my growing shape – Oy Vey. Every day there are packages arriving with new workout attire, work attire, or stuff for our March trip when I’m larger and need summery clothes. See this lovely exchange below:

DM: package came today. could be your [workout support] band

me: cool! actually bet it was the other pack of maternity clothes

DM: nope. black sports braw
which is a bra you take into a brawl.
or one you wear in the South.
like Andertucky.

me: mwahaha

DM: I’m here all night.


Background – I’m from Madison County in Indiana, which is “the South” according to DM, who is from the Twin Cities. He makes fun of my central Indiana roots all the time.

With moving into the second trimester, we are starting to think more about baby gear. We haven’t really begun much in the way of baby shopping, though we’ve looked into registering at Buy Buy Baby and on Amazon. Amazon is a favorite for us already – their customer service is awesome, we do Amazon Prime with the free two day shipping, and they have the mom’s club (haven’t checked that out yet, but will). Buy Buy Baby is somewhat new but getting more popular – they are Bed Bath and Beyonds’ answer to the baby industry. There is a store in Castleton by where my parents like to go out to dinner sometimes, but more importantly Buy Buy Baby is in my backyard (a brand new store opened less than a ten minute car ride away in Lincoln Park), and they are right in the corridor of where we typically run our errands. Big win for convenience!!

Little Bean Update: Fifteen Weeks


Marination Time: 15 Weeks

Size of baby: Little Bean is the size of an apple this week.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 8 pounds. EIGHT. I have no idea how I went up over three pounds in a week, but pictures of pregnant Jessica Simpson immediately came to mind. I made no real change to my eating and probably even worked out a little extra this week – fingers crossed that I’m retaining some water after my workouts?! I’m embracing the belly.

Maternity Clothes: Maternity jeans and pants. Tops and dresses are regular, but tops are becoming a little tight.

Sex: Still unconfirmed, though we have a hunch after our scans. I’m having dreams both about little boys and little girls right now. I think I’ll run through the old wives’ tales before we confirm the sex in five weeks.

Movement: A little, sort of, maybe? I have to be very still and wait for it.

Belly button watch: Innie.

Sleep: More tired this week for sure – I think there must have been some sort of growth spurt associated with that additional weight gain.

What I miss: Getting in and out of our SUV with ease – I’m starting to feel a little off balance! Plus, I feel like I could pee getting into the car. Awesome.

Cravings: Spicy foods more so than cheese this week. I made crab dip with a lot of pepper and it hit the spot. Meat – we’re hitting up DMK Burger for the first time on Friday night, and a BBQ cooking class (that is BYO – darn the luck) on Saturday. At least LB will enjoy a variety of beef and pork over the coming days if not amazing brews to pair with them.

Symptoms: Trouble rolling up and out of bed, and shenanigans when getting in and out of the car. I’ve “popped” this week more than weeks prior!

Best Moment this week: After discussing for months where we might go, we think we’re settled on a vacation destination (Le Babymoon, if you will) for this spring. Gorgeous Kauai! The U.S. healthcare availability, cell service back to my midwife at home, food/water safety, the ability to get there on points and direct from LAX, and the more reasonable hotel costs (about 2/3 of elsewhere on our list that time of year) swayed us there. We were hoping for a tropical location with walkable beaches, some light hiking/walking options, snorkeling for me/scuba for DM, lovely scenery, and great food. Kauai won out over St. Lucia, St. Thomas, St. John, Cabo, Puerto Vallarta and the Riviera Maya…oh, and Bora Bora (though being over an eight hour flight from anywhere really is what took Bora Bora out).

DM and I are adventure travelers, so to pick domestic, even if within Hawaii, is rare for us. But, for this particular trip and the first baby, we figured we play it safer (and save some some cash in the meantime – turns out Mexico and the Caribbean are ridiculous during the Easter/Spring Break time of year – more expensive even than lodging in Bora Bora). We also picked Kauai since it is a little sleepier than the rest of Hawaii from what we understand, and we have an Oahu/Maui trip planned with DM’s family in the future to look forward to.