Little Bean Update: Twenty-Two Weeks



Marination Time: 22 Weeks

Size of baby: Baby is the size of a spaghetti squash.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 15 pounds.

Maternity Clothes: This week I got some cute non-maternity workout shirts from Athleta – the Breathe Tee. I sized up to a Medium, and they are a longer style. I also have wrapped up a lot of my maternity shopping from now until I outgrow the items I’ve purchased (hopefully this won’t happen until I’m into April and looking at just May and June left!).

Sex: Baby girl

Movement: I think she is getting stronger. This week the little thumps are getting my attention.

Belly button watch: Innie.

Sleep: I’ve needed some extra sleep this week following our fun and active weekend. I can’t help but notice how much I need downtime and extra sleep to catch up on the weekends now, though it is still nothing like the first trimester exhaustion.

What I miss: I had trouble getting comfortable at night some this week and found myself missing sleeping on my back or curled into DM’s side like I used to. I’ll be looking forward to getting back to that in July!

Cravings: Vietnamese, carbs, cheese (still, yes – I will be in deep doo if this little one is lactose intolerant! My girlfriend had to give this up while breastfeeding).

Symptoms: Still feeling generally awkward getting in and out of our car (a crossover). Otherwise, no complaints. The past couple of weeks I’ve had energy and even felt really cute. I’d be happy to bottle up this part of pregnancy and have it last as long as possible!

Best Moment this week: Seeing the nursery get started in a great way. DM’s dad and DM worked throughout the long weekend to install wainscoting on the walls. They measured it all so well and I think they actually had fun doing it! They also sandblasted my dad’s dresser from his old room at my grandma’s. We will be painting it white. We also pulled the crib pieces out, and I think it is going to be a winner. Between all of that and starting a registry at Buy Buy Baby with DM’s mom over the weekend, there was some great progress made towards getting ready for LB.


And a couple of more pics with my little helper.


Little Bean Update: Twenty-One Weeks


Marination Time: 21 Weeks

Size of baby: LB is the length of a carrot this week.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 15 pounds.

Maternity Clothes: I’m excited to be in maternity clothes most of the time – I do love my elastic waist bands! When I get home from work or being out though, even those can feel too restricting. That end of the day bump swell just calls for yoga pants ASAP.

Sex: Little Bean is a BABY GIRL!!!!! We are thrilled to know she is a SHE. For sure, that is. We did have the sneak peek and I may have purchased a few girly things on super sale after Christmas – I’m glad I won’t need the return policy!

Movement: Yes – her kicks are a nice reassurance that she’s growing and thriving in there!

Belly button watch: Innie.

Sleep: I’m sleeping well this week.

What I miss: I found myself missing raw sushi more this week and well, had some. I picked some salmon (low mercury) from a reputable restaurant we frequent often, along with the tempura and unagi choices we’ve been making since I’ve been pregnant. This is probably going to become more regular now that I’m further along, in reason. YUM.

Cravings: Sushi. Spicy/stinky cheese and crackers. Ribs and pulled pork grilled by DM. Luckily with DM’s folks in town we will be accomplishing a lot of good eating this week (Kyoto and Publican, in addition to food at home).

Symptoms: Filling up fast when eating, only to be starving another hour or two later. This started to some extent around week 16, but it is pretty regular now.

Best Moment this week: Our 20 week appointment was awesome. We watched LB on the screen for over 45 minutes while the tech took tons of pictures. I had to shift around a lot and even go back in for a few more pictures after the fact – fortunately all looked great. Of course, in your mind, you are wondering if there are more pictures than normal being taken of any particular part, and the tech was actually very cognizant of this and reassuring when she simply needed a different angle. It was surreal – heart, brain, spine, limbs, kidneys, everything. And we found out our LB is indeed a girl! Our daughter!!! She measured right at the 51st percentile, which made me feel great to know the little one was neither too small nor trending towards being a 10 pounder, at least not right now. We received a list of natural childbirth classes to consider and are adding that to the to-do list, along with our reading list.

We got to share our news about the baby’s sex right away with my parents, and then shared it with DM’s folks in person with some cute pink frosted cupcakes (for Valentine’s Day… and for our little girl!). We also got to send some texts to siblings and friends that “our little Valentine is a GIRL!” We had a lot of fun with that. We’re glad to have DM’s parents in town this weekend to start nursery preparations and just spend some quality time together. Time is going fast.

Out on the Internets

We posted our news to the Facebook world with the pictures below, and the caption “Walks with Darcy won’t be the only thing getting us out of bed this summer.”


Oh yes, and blog world, meet Darcy. Darcy is our 2 year old goldendoodle dog. She is amazing. We love our furbaby, and she will always be my first baby, even if (when) she gets neglected this coming summer when LB arrives. She deserves some blog entries of her own sometime soon. Yes, she is the cutest, floppiest muppet ever.

Little Bean Update: Twenty Weeks


Marination Time: 20 Weeks

Size of baby: Little Bean is 10.5 ounces and 10 inches long. Baby Center says banana this week. This finally seems long/large-ish to me!

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 14 pounds. Ohhh BABY. I’ve jumped a little the past two weeks, and would say it has made a remarkable difference in the appearance of the bump/looking pregnant. Last week I was a little down about getting some cute outfits together, but this week I’ve had a lot of positive feedback now that I “officially” look pregnant and not just a bit chubby. 🙂 I’m feeling great and am eating pretty healthfully, so I’m choosing to not feel too badly about the Mayo guide’s “you likely have gained 10 pounds now” recommendation. I was a little on the smaller side anyway pre-pregnancy, and I’ve got the Jessica Simpson fear in me, so I think we’ll be ok. (Sorry Jess – 70 pounds is a lot!).

Maternity Clothes: This past week I became very conscious of the dwindling days I have left in pre-pregnancy anything. I have some cute Boden faux wrap dresses that have served me well, but it is about time to graduate to all maternity all the time. A vent – despite a LOT of trial and error, I have found very few cute things in smaller-ish sizes without wacko prints, bows on top, or gross/awkward necklines while looking for maternity wear. I have actually had some better luck buying dresses 2 sizes up in non-maternity for the babymoon and summertime. Unfortunately, it is still dead winter here in Chicago and I need some additional options. While Pea in the Pod makes some nice things, I am not willing to spend upwards of $100 for individual pieces of clothing that I will wear only for maybe a year total of my life, max, provided I actually have two or three pregnancies during the same seasons of the year. Some of the cheapest stuff has worked out best for me – thank you Old Navy and Gap for some basics! Have also had some luck with brands Seraphine and Asos Maternity – not too expensive. And Rosie Pope for more splurge-y stuff. I also have bought stuff through random vendors on Amazon.

Sex: Next Tuesday is our 20 week appointment. I’m more eager to know all is going well with Little Bean, but it will be very fun to also know which way we’re going – pink or blue! DM’s parents will be in town just three days after, so we might find a cute way to tell them our news. My visit to my folks isn’t for two more weeks and I don’t know if my mom will forgive me if I keep the sex under wraps until then!

Movement: Lots! I’m noticing 10am and 10pm are popular times, as well as about 20 minutes after I eat. DM got to feel the baby kick last Tuesday, after four days of me shouting come down here! and him then sitting around waiting for baby to make a move, with nothing happening. He gave a little lecture to LB on cooperating with his/her papa!

Belly button watch: Innie.

Sleep: I was short on sleep this week but getting in some workouts helped me make it to Friday.

What I miss: I would have enjoyed being able to have some wine this week. It is the first time during this pregnancy that a glass (or half a bottle…) sounded good to me.

Cravings: Had to have tacos this week. Mission accomplished.

Symptoms: Roly poly when getting up from lying down or when doing ab work on an incline at the gym. It is comical how I’m not even that big yet and need to roll. I’ve been emotional this week – a girlfriend and I went to Buy Buy Baby together to check it out and I choked up at a few of the baby toys. Really.

Best Moment this week: DM feeling the baby kick. And DM surprised me by ordering our crib this week to check it out in the future nursery (it was one we could not see in person, so would need to order it online to see if we liked it). And we had a Super Bowl party and I felt great throughout getting the house ready for it and hosting it.

Also (um – lots of best moments this week?) I had to take a two week hiatus from working out while I worked my tail off finishing up my fiscal year at the firm. I knew I’d need a shift away from my regular workouts sooner or later, which had been mostly circuit training (modified Shred, No More Trouble Zones and Burn Fat Boost Metabolism), with a little pre-natal yoga mixed in. I’m excited I was able to do this through almost week 18. As I was starting to get a little less comfortable with the jumping in those videos though, I’m now trying some prenatal circuit training classes offered at my gym. I also just went to my first Zumba class and I (and the baby!) LOVED it. It was a fun dance party and I could modify to keep both my feet on the ground whenever there were some jumps in the moves. I hope to become a Zumba regular (and that statement probably just aged me 15-20 years…but I don’t care).

I’m trying for about 4x/week workouts – and I need variety pretty much for every day of that in there to stick with it. I shoot for 1-2 weight/strength type sessions, 1-2 cardio type sessions, and prenatal yoga 1x/week. I definitely wasn’t this committed about fitness before getting pregnant, with the exception of the four months before my wedding and about year afterward during which I actually worked out 3x/week regularly – who WAS that woman?! But now, I’m finding that I totally stiffen up and feel more pregnant and achy when I’m skipping workouts, so it is enough to motivate me to keep going/aiming for something about every other day, even if it ends up being something light.

And now, for posterity, some serious belly pics! Here is a picture of me at seven weeks, and then a few of me now at twenty weeks. I’m amazed, for sure!


Little Bean Update: Nineteen Weeks

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Marination Time: 19 Weeks

Size of baby: Little Bean is the size of an heirloom tomato.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 12.5 pounds. I have eaten more salty foods than any person should in a span of five days – oops.

Maternity Clothes: Yes. I broke out a couple of cute new dresses and tops that I thought I’d never be in when I first bought them. Now I’m worried they might not last me more than a couple of months! I’ve also ordered a sufficiently large number of longer statement necklaces to try to pair with my outfits… maybe to take the focus off the growing belly/elongate me? I find this trend funny, but I guess it works!

Sex: 11 days from knowing. Eek! Notwithstanding any sneak peaks we’ve had, I’m just not sure what we are having. I’ve dreamt about both little girls and little boys. Tally on the old wives’ tales from last week was pretty even, with one more in favor of a girl.

Movement: HOUSTON WE HAVE CONTACT. Today I felt LB on the outside!! Thumps through my shirt after a donut for breakfast. I haven’t craved sugar or sweets that much while being pregnant, but they get a reaction from the kiddo when I do consume them. Multiple other jabs during the day, and I’m noticing it more when at my desk in the late morning. Not a lot of movement at night so far.

Belly button watch: Innie.

Sleep: Insomnia this week. Meh.

What I miss: My old clothes and knowing how to dress myself. These boobs are ridiculous. My self confidence has taken a bit of a hit while I attempt to find new and cute ways to dress the bump. Shopping for our babymoon in Kauai is helping – I can’t wait to be a cute preggo on the beach!

Cravings: Salt – this week I had soy sauce in thai food, french fries, and lots of pita chips. Not the greatest for fluid retention. Will be trying to do better this coming week!

Symptoms: Some round ligament pain. I am wondering what kind of position LB is in and whether it coincides with what I’m feeling. Right now I feel like her feet are down most of the time. Major insomnia and tiredness this week, though that could be more related to the fiscal year end at work and making billable hours than to being pregnant!

Best Moment this week: Knowing DM will get to feel the baby at some point in the next couple of days!