Marination Time: 25 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby is the size of a rutabaga (this makes me chuckle).
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 18 pounds. I almost threw my coffee at my monitor at work this week when “The Bump” sent me an email about “losing my post-pregnancy pooch.” RUDE. I’m just nearly six months along and already they are trying to bait me with lotions/potions and products to rid my body of the evidence of growing a human. Seriously – these companies have awful timing with their email campaigns. SCARE TACTICS.
Maternity Clothes: Yes. I’m ready for warmer weather and wearing my cute dresses and tanks in a week in Kauai and after that in Chicago…COME ON SPRING!
Sex: Baby girl.
Movement: Lots! We had brief 24 week appointment at the midwives this week and when trying to catch her heart beat on the doppler she was moving all around – silly bean. Heartrate was good and steady in the upper 140s/low 150s.
Belly button watch: Innie. This week I have officially moved to “soccer ball” status in terms of belly shape – I like it!
Sleep: Tired, still. I must be tossing and turning more than I think at night. I have a lot less upper thigh pain/stiffness by sleeping propped up compared with sleeping on my side with a pillow between my legs, so for now, I’m like the Queen of Sheba propped up on my pillows at night. Poor DM can’t really spoon me that way.
What I miss: Being able to caffeinate to get through the afternoon or slumps during the weekend. I am actually looking forward to having her on the outside just so I can have a little coffee to power through sleep deprivation (sad, but true!!).
Cravings: Meh, I did not crave too much this week. I really enjoyed some garlic and paprika spiked hummus at Trivia with friends on Tuesday night, but there was nothing this week.
Symptoms: I sported high heels for a two hour happy hour work event on Monday this week, and stood the whole time. My legs did swell a tiny bit that evening/the next day following this little experiment. Interesting! The work event was cool – it was a happy hour for attendees of a major healthcare executives conference and Mayor Rahm Emanuel spoke.
Best Moments this week: An excellent night out at Chicago Cut steakhouse over the weekend. DM finished painting the nursery – it looks awesome. Pics to come later! Another good visit with the midwives for the 24 week appointment. She let us know that birthing in a tub is an option, and I did not think that it was at Prentice, so that is something to think about. And I connected with our doula this week for an initial introduction and to get things rolling there. I think we will be happy with our choice to use her.