Marination Time: 24 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby is just over one pound and twelve inches long, about the length of an ear of corn.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 17 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: Yes.
Sex: Baby girl. We think we have two names that we’re between, and will wait to meet the little lady before giving her her moniker. The scare tactic emails from BabyCenter and other sites at this stage of pregnancy are not helpful – e.g. “Baby Naming Pitfalls to Avoid” – aren’t there enough other ways in which we’ll inevitably screw her up in life?! Naming her should be fun! (Though I get it, naming her “Apple” is probably a no-go).
Movement: Lots, everyday. She even gave DM a couple of courtesy kicks when he returned home from business travel this week (she rarely cooperates!).
Belly button watch: Suspicious tugging around the navel this week after a huge meal… hold on, innie!
Sleep: Tired again this week. Side sleeping is not my thing, so I’ve done some sleeping propped up in bed. I usually wake up after about six hours to go to the bathroom and then catch a couple more hours after that.
What I miss: My waist – ha! 🙂 But seriously, I did not miss too much of anything this week.
Cravings: I actually wanted something sweet this week, but only because I was in range of a World Market where I knew I could buy the good European stuff. I may have demolished a package of honey filled thin waffle cookies (Dutch Stroopwafels)… random, right? Baby was happy, I was happy. Otherwise still passing up cookies/sweets in favor of salt/cheese. I’m trying to drink a lot more water than usual, which for me, means any water at all. Instead of 64 ounces, I’m doing well with 40 on purpose, and trying to increase it. I’ve just never been a big water drinker but know it is very important to be on top of, especially once I get to the third trimester.
Symptoms: BabyCenter says LB grew about four ounces this week, and I’ve been feeling a bit of an energy drain. I’ve had a lot of work to do, so did not get to work out during the weekday evenings like I wanted (I’m a weekend warrior, if nothing else). I’m glad today’s Friday, and looking forward to my workouts and “me time” coming up this evening and over the weekend to hopefully put some spring back in my step! I need to keep active with 16 more weeks to go!
Best Moment this week: We had a great time in Indiana with my parents last weekend. I hit up a Zumba class with my mom, and we enjoyed a leisurely dinner out, watched a movie together, and made great progress on going through some baby clothes and toys that had been kept from my childhood. I threw out a lot, also, which was therapeutic in “making room” for LB. I just need to channel that into my own house now as we go through stuff. Her nursery was formerly used for storage, so we have some work to do.