HOLY COW – It is March and we have four months to go! (Whaaaat?!)
Marination Time: 23 Weeks
Size of baby: Baby is eleven inches long and the size of a large mango.
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 16 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: Yup! Despite the fits and starts and pending returns coming back on the credit cards, my maternity wardrobe is in full swing and I’m enjoying coming up with new combinations of the pieces.
Sex: Baby girl
Movement: I can see her under my skin – weird! It is reassuring when a meal gets her going, though.
Belly button watch: Innie.
Sleep: Still so so tired this week. LB and I must have been in some sort of more serious growth phase this past week because I cannot live with less than 8 hours’ sleep. I realize this is normal for a lot of people to get, but I’m normally in the 5-6 hours a night camp to balance work and teaching and life stuff, so needing more sleep is no bueno!! Throw in a bunch of baby/nursery projects on my mind to try to make headway on in the next couple of months, and I’m a pretty crabby camper these days. I find myself wishing for caffeine, or legit vacation time.**
**Time off for attorneys is not really ever time off – see point #6 in this article. Now don’t get me wrong – I worked hard for this profession and make a decent living, but as my pediatrician friend put it best, “It’s like you’re always on call then, huh? At least we rotate call, and my shifts are my shifts.”
Anyhoover, back to LB.
What I miss: I’d rather have a glass of beer, wine or cocktail over any other indulgent snack or sweet I could think of this week. I’m still not needing/wanting sweets with this little lady, and while I will eat them sometimes as like an “oh I guess I can since I’m not really having anything else extra” – it just doesn’t do it for me. I miss the ritual of unwinding with a drink. Unfortunately, a cookie does not do it for me (and frankly I can do without the sugar buzz and acrobatics such fare creates in my uterus). Again, this coming from a girl who had a lot more chocolate when not pregnant than while pregnant now – it is odd.
Cravings: Carbs some, but mostly I’m dreaming of seafood this week. DM and I will be enjoying some with my folks in A-town this coming weekend. Also, while I have not wanted sweets so much lately, the fact that I’ve enjoyed Fig Newtons from time to time while being knocked up deserves another mention on the blog. I probably had not had a Fig Newton since college, and then, a few weeks back, all of a sudden that sounded like a nice treat in a sea of other sweets that just did not sound good. So, we have twin pack Fig Newtons that I take to work with me for a snack maybe once a week, like I’m in second grade. And that’s been sort of fun.
Symptoms: Mega grouchy this week due to another month end and feeling like I just cannot get enough sleep.
Best Moment this week: This week was kinda “meh,” but we are looking forward to time with my parents this coming weekend and going through my old baby clothes and toys in Indiana. Also, DM and I did have an awesome date night at Boka and seeing Argo last Saturday night, before Argo won Best Picture at the Oscars on Sunday. We are doing a pretty decent job of making dinner reservations at some top bucket list restaurants in Chicago, and have been trying to keep an eye on movies, musicals and other events we’d like to make it out to in the next few months before baby arrives. In all, it was a great weekend last weekend, even if I’ve had a case of the grouchies!