And for fun, a pic of the man behind the camera, with his trusty sidekick. Yes, our dog sits right there with him on the step every time he takes a photo of the belly (unless she is trying to get in the picture with me, that is!)
Marination Time: 17 Weeks
Size of baby: Little Bean is the size of a turnip (one of DM’s favorites – kidding).
Total Weight Gain/Loss: 9.5 pounds.
Maternity Clothes: Breaking out the maternity tops this week! They are loose but comfortable.
Sex: Three weeks until we know!
Movement: A jab here and there, maybe? Or just growing pains. Waiting for the “ah that’s a kick!” moment.
Belly button watch: Innie. The tummy is hurting a bit around my navel this week and I’ve been checking myself for diastasis recti with the workouts I’ve been doing. So far, so good.
Sleep: I had some insomnia this week – I think I’m amped about becoming a mom and having told work this past week. REALITY MAN.
What I miss: Feeling totally stable on my feet. I’m starting to be more careful when going up and down stairs because things are shifting!
Cravings: Salt ‘n’ vinegar chips and peanut butter cups. I was starving this week for all the wrong things at the beginning of the week, and I had the accompanying heartburn to prove it! The end of the week has been much better!
Symptoms: Aforementioned instability and new symptom of heartburn, plus having to pee.every.ten.minutes. Got a belly band for support during workouts and I think Little Bean basically hates it – I got some jabs in one side with the band that I never get otherwise during my routines. I’m evaluating some new fitness videos. It is likely about time to throw in the towel on my beloved circuit training with Jillian Michaels – I’ve been holding my own with modified/pregnancy appropriate moves, but there are some other options I think I’m going to have to explore for the next five months of pregnancy…
Best Moment this week: I got in touch with the last of my close friends and contacts on the list of people I wanted to reach out to directly (vs. a Facebook announcement). I feel a lot of love for Little Bean! We’re about to go “live” on the internets…which means these blog entries are probably close to being published. I’m excited to be keeping this journal as my own modern day baby book of sorts.